gmake[2]: Entering directory `/u/evs/lclint/web/samples/db/checkchecks1'
lclint +lh +checks -allimponly +allmacros +showsummary +showscan +stats employee eref empset ereftab erc dbase drive.c
LCLint 2.1a --- 18 Apr 96

< reading spec employee.lcl >
< reading spec eref.lcl >
< reading spec empset.lcl >
< reading spec ereftab.lcl >
< reading spec erc.lcl >
< reading spec dbase.lcl >
< preprocessing >
< checking employee.c >
employee.c: (in function employee_sprint)
employee.c:29,28: Read-only string literal storage used as initial value for
                     unqualified storage: gender[0] = "male"
  A read-only string literal is assigned to a non-observer reference. Use
  -readonlytrans to suppress message.
employee.c:29,36: Read-only string literal storage used as initial value for
                     unqualified storage: gender[1] = "female"
employee.c:29,46: Read-only string literal storage used as initial value for
                     unqualified storage: gender[2] = "?"
employee.c:30,27: Read-only string literal storage used as initial value for
                     unqualified storage: jobs[0] = "manager"
employee.c:30,38: Read-only string literal storage used as initial value for
                     unqualified storage: jobs[1] = "non-manager"
employee.c:30,53: Read-only string literal storage used as initial value for
                     unqualified storage: jobs[2] = "?"
employee.c:33,5: Array fetch using non-integer, gender: gender[e.gen]
  To allow enum types to index arrays, use +enumindex. Use +enumindex to
  suppress message.
employee.c:33,20: Array fetch using non-integer, job: jobs[e.j]
< checking eref.c >
eref.c: (in function eref_alloc)
eref.c:12,14: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool
  A checked global variable is used in the function, but not listed in its
  globals clause. By default, only globals specified in .lcl files are checked.
  To check all globals, use +allglobals. To check globals selectively use
  /*@checked@*/ in the global declaration. Use -globs to suppress message.
eref.c:12,51: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool
eref.c:12,73: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool (in post loop test)
eref.c:16,14: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool
eref.c:18,7: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool
eref.c:19,24: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool
eref.c:20,14: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool
eref.c:18,7: Undocumented modification of eref_Pool.conts:
    eref_Pool.conts = (employee *)realloc(eref_Pool.conts, 2 * eref_Pool.size *
  An externally-visible object is modified by a function, but not listed in its
  modifies clause. Use -mods to suppress message.
eref.c:22,11: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool
eref.c:28,7: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool
eref.c:29,27: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool
eref.c:30,10: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool
eref.c:28,7: Undocumented modification of eref_Pool.status:
    eref_Pool.status = (eref_status *)realloc(eref_Pool.status, 2 *
    eref_Pool.size * sizeof(eref_status))
eref.c:32,11: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool
eref.c:38,7: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool
eref.c:38,26: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool
eref.c:38,7: Undocumented modification of eref_Pool.size:
                eref_Pool.size = 2 * eref_Pool.size
eref.c:40,27: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool
eref.c:41,9: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool
eref.c:41,9: Undocumented modification of eref_Pool.status[]:
                eref_Pool.status[i] = avail
eref.c:41,37: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool (in post loop test)
eref.c:44,3: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool
eref.c:44,3: Undocumented modification of eref_Pool.status[]:
                eref_Pool.status[res] = used
eref.c: (in function eref_initMod)
eref.c:54,8: Undocumented use of file static needsInit
eref.c:59,3: Undocumented use of file static needsInit
eref.c:59,3: Undocumented modification of needsInit: needsInit = FALSE
eref.c:63,3: Undocumented modification of eref_Pool.conts:
                eref_Pool.conts = (employee *)malloc(size * sizeof(employee))
eref.c:71,3: Undocumented modification of eref_Pool.status:
    eref_Pool.status = (eref_status *)malloc(size * sizeof(eref_status))
eref.c:79,3: Undocumented modification of eref_Pool.size: eref_Pool.size = size
eref.c:84,7: Undocumented modification of eref_Pool.status[]:
                eref_Pool.status[i] = avail
eref.c: (in function eref_free)
eref.c:91,3: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool
eref.c:91,3: Undocumented modification of eref_Pool.status[]:
                eref_Pool.status[er] = avail
eref.c: (in function eref_assign)
eref.c:96,3: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool
eref.c:96,3: Undocumented modification of eref_Pool.conts[]:
                eref_Pool.conts[er] = e
eref.c: (in function eref_get)
eref.c:101,10: Undocumented use of file static eref_Pool
< checking empset.c >
empset.c:5,6: Name _empset_get is in the implementation name space (any
                 identifier beginning with underscore)
  External name is reserved for system in ANSI standard. Use -ansireserved to
  suppress message.
empset.c: (in function empset_insertUnique)
empset.c:37,27: Undocumented use of global known
empset.c:43,23: Undocumented use of global known
empset.c: (in function empset_initMod)
empset.c:140,7: Undocumented use of file static initDone
empset.c:147,3: Undocumented use of global known
empset.c:147,3: Undocumented modification of known: known = ereftab_create()
empset.c:147,3: Only storage assigned to unqualified: known = ereftab_create()
  The only reference to this storage is transferred to another reference that
  does not have an aliasing annotation. This may lead to a memory leak, since
  the new reference is not necessarily released. Use -onlyunqglobaltrans to
  suppress message.
empset.c:148,3: Undocumented use of file static initDone
empset.c:148,3: Undocumented modification of initDone: initDone = TRUE
< checking ereftab.c >
< checking erc.c >
< checking dbase.c >
dbase.c: (in macro numERCS)
dbase.c:16,20: Incompatible types for + (enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON },
                  int): lastERC - firstERC + 1
  Types are incompatible. Use -type to suppress message.
dbase.c: (in function db_initMod)
dbase.c:26,7: Undocumented use of global initDone
dbase.c:37,8: Assignment of employeeKinds to int: i = firstERC
dbase.c:37,22: Operands of <= have incompatible types (int, employeeKinds):
                  i <= lastERC
dbase.c:39,7: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:39,7: Undocumented modification of db[]: db[i] = erc_create()
dbase.c:39,7: Only storage assigned to unqualified: db[i] = erc_create()
dbase.c:37,22: Incompatible types for <= (int, employeeKinds) (in post loop
                  test): i <= lastERC
dbase.c:42,3: Undocumented use of global initDone
dbase.c:42,3: Undocumented modification of initDone: initDone = TRUE
dbase.c:45,6: Name _db_ercKeyGet is in the implementation name space (any
                 identifier beginning with underscore)
dbase.c:55,6: Name _db_keyGet is in the implementation name space (any
                 identifier beginning with underscore)
dbase.c: (in function _db_keyGet)
dbase.c:60,8: Assignment of employeeKinds to int: i = firstERC
dbase.c:60,22: Operands of <= have incompatible types (int, employeeKinds):
                  i <= lastERC
dbase.c:60,22: Incompatible types for <= (int, employeeKinds) (in post loop
                  test): i <= lastERC
dbase.c:72,5: Name _db_addEmpls is in the implementation name space (any
                 identifier beginning with underscore)
dbase.c: (in function uncheckedHire)
dbase.c:118,19: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:118,19: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[mMGRS]
dbase.c:120,19: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:120,19: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[mNON]
dbase.c:123,19: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:123,19: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[fMGRS]
dbase.c:125,19: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:125,19: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[fNON]
dbase.c: (in function fire)
dbase.c:132,8: Assignment of employeeKinds to int: i = firstERC
dbase.c:132,22: Operands of <= have incompatible types (int, employeeKinds):
                   i <= lastERC
dbase.c:134,20: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:138,19: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:132,22: Incompatible types for <= (int, employeeKinds) (in post loop
                   test): i <= lastERC
dbase.c: (in function promote)
dbase.c:154,23: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:154,23: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[mNON]
dbase.c:158,27: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:158,27: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[fNON]
dbase.c:170,19: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:170,19: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[mNON]
dbase.c:171,19: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:171,19: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[mMGRS]
dbase.c:175,19: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:175,19: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[fNON]
dbase.c:176,19: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:176,19: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[fMGRS]
dbase.c: (in function query)
dbase.c:222,9: Assignment of employeeKinds to int: i = firstERC
dbase.c:222,23: Operands of <= have incompatible types (int, employeeKinds):
                   i <= lastERC
dbase.c:223,32: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:222,23: Incompatible types for <= (int, employeeKinds) (in post loop
                   test): i <= lastERC
dbase.c:226,29: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:226,29: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[mMGRS]
dbase.c:227,30: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:227,30: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[fMGRS]
dbase.c:230,29: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:230,29: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[mNON]
dbase.c:231,30: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:231,30: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[fNON]
dbase.c:238,29: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:238,29: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[mMGRS]
dbase.c:239,30: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:239,30: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[mNON]
dbase.c:242,25: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:242,25: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[mMGRS]
dbase.c:244,25: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:244,25: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[mNON]
dbase.c:250,29: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:250,29: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[fMGRS]
dbase.c:251,30: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:251,30: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[fNON]
dbase.c:254,25: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:254,25: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[fMGRS]
dbase.c:256,25: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:256,25: Array fetch using non-integer, enum { mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
                   }: db[fNON]
dbase.c:259,1: Suspect object listed in modifies of query not modified: s
  An object listed in the modifies clause is not modified by the implementation
  of the function. The modification may not be detected if it is done through a
  call to an unspecified function. Use -mustmod to suppress message.
   dbase.lcl:49: Specification of query
dbase.c: (in function db_print)
dbase.c:268,8: Assignment of employeeKinds to int: i = firstERC
dbase.c:268,22: Operands of <= have incompatible types (int, employeeKinds):
                   i <= lastERC
dbase.c:270,30: Undocumented use of global db
dbase.c:268,22: Incompatible types for <= (int, employeeKinds) (in post loop
                   test): i <= lastERC
< checking drive.c >
drive.c: (in function main)
drive.c:128,22: Assignment of db_status to int: j = hire(e)
< checking macros bool.h >
< global checks >
dbase.c:18,17: Variable db exported but not declared in header file
  A variable declaration is exported, but does not appear in a header file.
  (Used with exportheader.) Use -exportheadervar to suppress message.
empset.c:5,6: Function _empset_get exported but not declared in header file
  A declaration is exported, but does not appear in a header file. Use
  -exportheader to suppress message.
   empset.c:15,1: Definition of _empset_get
dbase.c:20,6: Variable initDone exported but not declared in header file
dbase.c:45,6: Function _db_ercKeyGet exported but not declared in header file
   dbase.c:53,1: Definition of _db_ercKeyGet
dbase.c:55,6: Function _db_keyGet exported but not declared in header file
   dbase.c:70,1: Definition of _db_keyGet
dbase.c:72,5: Function _db_addEmpls exported but not declared in header file
   dbase.c:89,1: Definition of _db_addEmpls
< cleaning ......... >

Error Type                Reported  Suppressed
===================       ========  =========
usedef                       0           1
exporttype                   0           5
globs                       57           1
macroempty                   0           1
compdef                      0           1
onlyunqglobaltrans           2           0
readonlytrans                6           0
mods                        16           0
mustmod                      1           0
ansireserved                 4           0
sizeoftype                   0           6
type                        17           5
enumindex                   24           0
exportheader                 4           0
exportheadervar              2           0
                          ========  =========
Total:                     133          20

Finished LCLint checking --- 133 code errors found
391 spec, 2967 source (1247 before pre-processing) lines in 4.60 s.
gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/u/evs/lclint/web/samples/db/checkchecks1'

Return LCLint Home Page David Evans
University of Virginia, Computer Science